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Do You Need a Hair Loss Doctor? – How to Know When It’s Time for a Professional Opinion.


Did you know that many types of hair loss can be reversed?  If you didn’t, you’re not alone.  According to a 2018 study that evaluated why people don’t seek treatment for their hair loss, a significant number of people with androgenetic alopecia aren’t aware that treatments are available to help them regrow their hair.  (01)  This is one reason why people don’t seek medical attention when their hair is thinning or balding.  However, if you are experiencing male or female pattern baldness, not only can treatment help you regrow your hair, but the earlier you begin treatment, the better your results.  

Nobody wants to leave work early or spend money on doctor’s appointments that aren’t necessary.  Life is way too busy for that.  So, how do you know whether your hair loss warrants a visit?  Here’s a guide to help you with everything you need to know, from when it’s time to get a professional opinion to what type of doctor you’ll need.  

How Much Hair Loss is Too Much?

Everyone sees a few strands of hair in the sink or on the shower floor from time to time.  That’s a normal part of the hair growth cycle and is expected.  Losing 50 to 100 hairs during the shedding phase is normal.  How do you know if you’re losing more than that, though?  Here are a few signs:

Gradual Hair Loss

  • Thinning on top of your head
  • Growing bald spot
  • Receding hairline
  • Widening center or side part
  • Thinning ponytail

Sudden Hair Loss

  • Seeing a bald spot or area appear within 1 or 2 days
  • Losing clumps of hair 
  • Watching all or most of your hair fall out all at once

Both Gradual and Sudden Hair Loss Requires Medical Attention

Whether you notice gradual or sudden hair loss, we recommend you seek medical attention.  In addition to losing hair on their heads, some people lose hair on their face and their bodies.  If you notice bald spots or missing hair in areas such as your eyebrows, eyelashes, beard, mustache, or other areas, that also warrants a doctor’s visit.  

Male and female pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss, and usually does not have any accompanying symptoms besides hair loss.  However, people with other types of alopecia such as alopecia areata and lichen planopilaris may experience burning, stinging, itching, or tenderness resulting from inflammation.  If this is the case for you, treatment is needed as quickly as possible to limit the amount of hair lost and have the best possible chance of regrowth.

What Type of Doctor Treats Hair Loss?

Finding the right person to help diagnose and treat your hair loss can be tricky.  There are a lot of different types of practitioners who claim to help people with their thinning hair and bald spots.  Here’s a rundown of who’s who:


A trichologist is a specialist who focuses on treating hair and scalp diseases.  Although trichologists have specialized training, they are not medical doctors.  They can’t write prescriptions or perform medical or surgical procedures.  

Holistic Medicine Doctors (Naturopaths)

A holistic medicine doctor focuses on a whole-body approach to improving health and wellness.  Rather than just looking at symptoms, naturopaths evaluate a patient’s mind, body, and spirit.  Prevention comes first, and treatment comes second.  Although holistic medicine doctors can order lab tests and use botanical therapies, they cannot write prescriptions unless they also hold medical degrees.  


A dermatologist is a medical doctor trained to treat skin, hair, and nails.  Dermatologists have the training and expertise necessary to conduct a full evaluation, run any necessary tests, and prescribe medications if needed.  Some dermatologists have more specialized training and experience working with hair loss than others.  When selecting a dermatologist, ask questions such as what hair loss conditions he or she typically treats and what treatments are most often used.  

Why Self Diagnosis is a Bad Idea

There are many good reasons why you should get a professional diagnosis.  Access to the wealth of online information may make you feel like an expert, but you’re not.  You may come to the wrong conclusion about why you’re losing your hair.  Another reason why is that using ineffective medication is expensive.  There is an abundance of nonmedical treatments on the market, such as vitamins, supplements, shampoos, and topical solutions, but research indicates that they have temporary or little effect on hair growth.  The cost of over-the-counter treatments is actually higher than the cost would be for proven, supervised medical treatments.  (02)

How a Hair Loss Doctor Makes a Diagnosis

Dermatologists use a staged approach to evaluating hair loss conditions.  Typically, he or she will review your medical history to determine if there’s a pre-existing or new condition that is causing your hair loss.  Whether your hair loss is gradual or sudden, your hair loss pattern will point your doctor in the right direction during your evaluation.  For example, androgenetic alopecia usually presents with thinning on top, a receding hairline in men, and a widening part in women.  Bald spots about the size of a quarter are often seen in patients with alopecia areata.  A microscope can see if there is any redness caused by inflammation from scarring alopecia or a possible fungal infection.

Other tests sometimes used include a pull test to see how much and easily hair falls out. Usually, just a visual exam is all that is needed to diagnose androgenetic alopecia.  However, if your doctor needs more information, biopsies are the gold standard for a diagnosis.  

Treatment Options Available Through Hair Loss Doctors

Hair loss treatment depends upon the condition that is diagnosed.  The most proven, commonly prescribed medications include:


Topical Minoxidil, a vasodilator that increases the amount of oxygen to the scalp, is often prescribed to treat male and female pattern baldness and various other types of alopecia.  Minoxidil is available over-the-counter in two and five-percent liquid and foam topical formulas.  Higher topical doses and oral pills are only available by prescription.  It’s best to use Minoxidil under a doctor’s supervision.  Once you start using the medication, any hair that has grown can be lost if you stop taking it.   


Finasteride is a topical and oral medication only available by prescription.  The medication is typically prescribed to treat androgenetic alopecia; however, it has been proven effective for generating hair growth among patients with lichen planopilaris and other types of alopecia.  (03)   Finasteride works by blocking the production of DHT, which causes hair loss.  Finasteride has a reputation for causing sexual side effects among men.  If this concerns you, talk to your doctor about using topical formulas instead.  Topicals work equally as effectively without side effects. (04)


Finasteride is effective for most patients and is usually used as a first-line medication to treat hair loss.  If you do not respond to Finasteride, your doctor may recommend trying Dutasteride, which works similarly to Finasteride.  The difference between the two medications is that Finasteride inhibits one type of isoenzyme, while dutasteride inhibits two types.  


If you are a woman, your doctor may recommend Spironolactone, which blocks aldotestosterone, a hormone produced in the adrenal glands.  Spironolactone is not usually prescribed to men since it can cause feminizing side effects.  

Combination Treatments

Some types of alopecia require a combination of medications.  For example, doctors often prescribe Minoxidil and Finasteride simultaneously.  Minoxidil enlarges the hair follicles, while Finasteride prevents testosterone from converting to DHT.  Retinol helps the absorption of other topical hair treatments, and cortisone can be added to prevent irritation.  

Protein Rich Plasma (PRP)

Protein Rich Plasma treatments are a three-step process that involves drawing and separating your blood and injecting the separated platelets.  Protein derived from the PRP process is believed to help your hair grow by encouraging cell growth.  Only licensed practitioners can perform this medical procedure.

Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplants are becoming more common thanks to improved techniques that have been developed throughout the years.  Because hair transplants are a type of surgery, doctors performing hair transplants must be licensed.  

Why Prescription Hair Loss Medications are Superior to Over-the-Counter Treatments

As you’re probably already aware, the number of products on the market to treat hair loss is pretty overwhelming.  Trying out a new shampoo that you find on Amazon may be harmless but could cost a lot of money without much hair gain.  The window to regrow your hair could also close while you’re experimenting.  The difference between the OTC products and what your dermatologist prescribes is research.  It may not sound like much, but it’s a big deal.  Clinical studies provide dermatologists with a scientific basis for providing advice and treatment.  Clinical studies are also FDA-regulated, ensuring safety and properly reported results.  

Need a Hair Loss Doctor?  We Can Help.

Finding a dermatologist who is also a hair specialist can be difficult.  If you have questions or are interested in treatment for your alopecia, contact us.  Our licensed dermatologists will consult with you to determine whether you would benefit from using Happy Head or any other type of medication that treats hair loss.  


(01) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6029958/

(02) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6029958/

(03) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4809380/

(04) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4314881/#:~:text=Studies%20show%20that%20topical%20finasteride,post%2D%20treatment%20with%20oral%20finasteride.


Everything You Need To Know About Finasteride Interactions

If you have aging parents or grandparents and have seen their overflowing pill boxes, you know that it’s important to track their medications. One prescription can easily interact with another, and boom, you’re at the doctor’s office figuring out which drug is the culprit.  

Dermatologists and hair specialists often recommend prescription hair loss medications because they are safe and effective.  However, if you are taking other drugs or supplements at the same time, you should be aware of potential unintended interactions.  Since Finasteride, also sold under the brand names Propecia and Proscar, is FDA-approved to treat hair loss, it’s the one most often prescribed.  So, for that reason, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about what mixes well with Finasteride and what might not be the best combination.

Finasteride is a Leading Treatment for Male and Female Pattern Baldness

Research continually demonstrates that Finasteride, a medication originally developed to treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), is one of the most effective ways to treat androgenetic alopecia.  The statistics tell the story.  After two years on Finasteride, 83 percent of men included in Merck’s research study did not experience further hair loss.  More than 70 percent showed increased hair growth. (01)  Finasteride works just as effectively for women. (02)  That’s why Finasteride is often dermatologists’ drug of choice when it comes to stopping further hair loss and stimulating new growth.  

Finasteride Increases the Testosterone Levels in Your Body

So, how does Finasteride help stop your hair from shedding?  It blocks an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase (5-AR).  When 5-AR isn’t produced, testosterone can no longer be converted to an androgen called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is what causes your hair follicles to miniaturize.  Finasteride also increases testosterone levels in your body.  More testosterone shrinks prostate size and helps your hair grow.  The only catch is that when you stop taking Finasteride, any new growth will be lost.   

Finasteride Interactions are Uncommon

Complications stemming from Finasteride use are rare.  That’s not to say that it doesn’t or can’t happen.  Certain medications can either increase or reduce the amount of Finasteride in your bloodstream.  Carbamezepine, Rifampin, and St. John’s Wart may reduce Finasteride’s efficacy by metabolizing the Finasteride faster in your liver.  Other medications such as Itraconazole and erythromycin may actually increase the levels of Finasteride in your blood.  Checking with your doctor is the best way to know if other medications you are already taking will contradict Finasteride.  

Avoid Interactions with Other Medications by Using Topical Finasteride Versus Oral 

If you have androgenetic alopecia and are worried about Finasteride interacting with the other medications you are taking, ask your doctor about using topical Finasteride.  Research indicates that topical Finasteride is equally as effective as oral. (03)   Think of topical Finasteride as a spot treatment.  It works directly on the areas where your hair is thinning to prevent further hair loss and stimulate growth.  Oral Finasteride, on the other hand, is systemic since it is metabolized in your stomach.  Topical Finasteride is the ideal solution for men and women who want the benefits of the medication without any potential drug interactions.  

Some Medications Make Finasteride Work More Effectively

Some medications have been found to increase the efficacy of Finasteride.  Because some medicines work synergistically, dermatologists and hair specialists often recommend that patients use multiple hair loss treatments simultaneously to maximize results.  

Minoxidil, also marketed under the brand Rogaine, is a topical hair loss solution that has proven to complement Finasteride. (04)  While Finasteride blocks the testosterone from converting to DHT, Minoxidil enlarges the hair follicles, preventing hair loss, and allowing new growth to break through.  Minoxidil is available in both oral and topical formulas.

Retinol is also a medication that is often prescribed with Finasteride.  Retinol, a derivative of Vitamin A, is often prescribed to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture.  The medication increases collagen production and stimulates the production of new blood vessels bringing oxygen to the skin.  In addition, retinol has been proven to improve the absorption of topical Finasteride. (05)

When patients with hair loss experience inflammation, topical or injected cortisone is often prescribed in conjunction with Finasteride as well.

Taking Finasteride, Minoxidil, Retinol, and Cortisone all at the same time can seem like a lot of medications to remember.  Fortunately, topical formulas are now available that combine all into one convenient bottle.    

Alternatives to Finasteride

Other options exist if you are experiencing male or female pattern baldness and oral or topical Finasteride aren’t suitable for you.


Finasteride is effective for most people.  However, an alternative medication is Dutasteride. Dutasteride works similarly to Finasteride by blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT.  The difference between the two medications is that Finasteride inhibits the Type 2 5AR isoenzyme,while Dutasteride inhibits both Type 1 and Type 2.  In addition, Dutasteride’s prescribed dosages are typically lower than Finasteride’s because the medication is a bit stronger.  


Spironolactone, also known as Aldactone, is used off-label to treat female pattern hair loss.  It was originally marketed to treat fluid retention caused by liver and kidney disease. The medication is only prescribed for women because it can cause feminizing features when used over time.  Research has not yet been conducted on a large sample size, but four women included in a study, saw reduced hair loss and experienced some growth. (06)


PRP, an abbreviation for Platelet Rich Plasma, is a three-step process designed to trigger hair growth by increasing the amount of oxygen available to the hair follicles.  First, blood is drawn. Then, blood is then separated into three groups using a centrifuge.  Lastly, the platelet rich plasma is injected into the scalp. PRP is often used in conjunction with other treatments to maximize results.  

Hair Transplant Surgery

If you are concerned about drug interactions, hair transplant surgery may be an option and a long-term hair loss solution.  During the past few years, many advances have been made in how the procedure is performed.  Rather than taking strips of hair to transplant, surgeons are now able to move individual hairs giving a more natural look.  

Low-light Laser Therapy (LLLT)

You may have seen ads recently for laser caps marketed for hair growth.  Most use light in the red or infrared range to penetrate the scalp and target the hair follicles.  Early studies show promise for the technology, but more research needs to be conducted on the efficacy.  One study found that LLT works better when used with Minoxidil or Finasteride.  The study also indicated that more data is needed to determine the optical laser power and wavelength. (07) 

Be Honest About Your Medical History

If your dermatologist recommends Finasteride or any other prescription hair loss treatment, the best thing you can do is be honest about your medical history.  In addition to telling your doctor about any other hormone, heart, or other medications you’re taking, remember to list any supplements. Also, although sharing information about smoking, drinking, or recreational marijuana use may seem embarrassing, remember that your dermatologist has seen and heard it all.  He or she is more concerned with giving you the best hair regrowth options and keeping you safe than passing judgment on your behavior.  

Is Finasteride Right For You?

If you have questions about whether Finasteride is right for you or could potentially interact with other medications you’re taking, let us know.  Our board-certified dermatologists have full medical degrees from accredited universities.  They are available and happy to review your medical history and suggest solutions based on the type of hair loss you are experiencing.  


(01) https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2012/020788s020s021s023lbl.pdf

(02) Note: Recommended doses differ for men and women

(03) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34634163/#:~:text=Conclusion%3A%20Topical%20finasteride%20significantly%20improves,impact%20on%20serum%20DHT%20concentrations.

(04) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dth.12246#:~:text=Efficacy%20assessment,combination%20therapy%20showed%20improvement%2C%20respectively.

(05) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/article-abstract/557305

(06) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3769411/#:~:text=In%20a%20case%20study%20of,total%20number%20of%20anagen%20hairs.

(07) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29270707/


Dealing with Bald Spots and Male Pattern Baldness

Whether it’s a slow realization or a sudden awareness, discovering that you’re losing your hair is a difficult event. Every hair on the pillow or on the floor of the shower comes back to haunt you, and you’re at a loss for what to do. Fortunately, there’s steps you can take to slow – or sometimes even stop – your hair loss.

What Causes Bald Spots?

Men don’t have the monopoly on bald spots; women can have them, too! Everyone is at risk for developing a bald spot at some time in their lives, for a variety of reasons. However, some people are at a higher risk than others. 

The most common cause of bald spots in both men and women is the hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT.  Both men and women produce DHT, but some people have higher levels of DHT than others. Male pattern baldness (MPB), also called androgenic alopecia, results from a combination of DHT and variation in the androgen receptor (AR) genes. Androgen receptors allow hormones like DHT to bind to them, and men with AR genes tend towards male pattern baldness. (01)

High levels of DHT can damage or shrink hair follicles, preventing hair from growing normally. The hair follicles most sensitive to DHT are located at the hairline and at the crown, which is why these areas are often the first to experience hair loss. And although DHT can also cause hair loss in women, 

But it’s not just DHT that can cause bald spots. Other factors that trigger hair loss are: (02)

  • Severe emotional stress
  • Physical stress or illness
  • Hormonal Shifts
  • Medications
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Age
  • Hairstyling 
  • Hairstyling products
  • Repeated physical trauma (tight hats or headbands)

The First Signs of Balding

If bald spots or male pattern baldness runs in your family, you’ve probably been on the lookout for hair loss for awhile now. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell if it’s really a bald spot or just a bad hair day. Here are a few signs that you may be experiencing bald spots or male pattern baldness:

A Receding Hairline

Hair loss typically starts at the hairline. A receding hairline may occur so slowly that you might not notice it until you have something to compare it against. For example, you might spot your receding hairline when you start looking at old photos and see that your hairline looks  different today. Your hair loss may occur incrementally, making it tougher to see.

Reduction in hair thickness

Do you notice less hair on top? Does your hair feel different when you run your fingers through it? If your hair feels finer and more airy, then it might be due to male pattern baldness or hair loss.

Loss of hair at the crown

A growing crown area is one of the first signs of hair loss, especially male pattern baldness. Most people don’t look at the back of their head, so seeing differences in your crown can be challenging. Check your crown every so often using two mirrors to check for bald spots.

How Can I Manage Hair Loss?

Experiencing balding or male pattern baldness is tough, but you do have options. The following are steps you can take to slow down hair loss.

Surgical Treatments

Surgical treatments are typically reserved for advanced cases of balding or male pattern baldness. A hair transplant, for example, is an outpatient surgery that utilizes donor hair follicles. These donor follicles are implanted into sparse or bald areas, allowing new hair to grow. These implants, called follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE), leave little to no scarring. The donor follicles typically come from your own head, but the process still requires recovery time and post-surgical care. (03)

Because surgical options are invasive, there are contraindications that may keep some people from obtaining FUT or FUE treatments, like blood disorders or the tendency toward heavy scarring (keloids). Furthermore, surgery may result in adverse side-effects like swelling, folliculitis, numbness, and infection.  (04)

Scalp Reduction 

A scalp reduction is exactly as the name implies. To perform scalp reduction, areas of the scalp without hair are surgically removed, and the areas with hair are stretched to fill over the bald portions. If you’re wondering how much of the scalp can be removed, you might be surprised to find that scalp reduction can remove up to half of the scalp. 
The skin that’s meant to be stretched is prepared and loosened, prior to stretching gently. Scalp reduction may be combined with other treatments such as FUT or FUE treatments. Some people find the recovery period from scalp reduction surgery highly uncomfortable, due to a scalp tightness that lasts for a few months as skin adjusts. Hairline lowering surgery, for example, is a kind of scalp reduction surgery. To lower the hairline, the receding portion is removed and the portion with hair is pulled forward. (05)

Platelet-Rich Plasma

A procedure called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) uses an individual’s blood and separates out the plasma using a centrifuge. This platelet-rich plasma (hence the name) is then injected into bald patches and areas of thinning hair. The plasma stimulates growth and repairs damaged blood vessels, helping hair to regrow. Although effective, the PRP process is very involved, costly, and is the newest hair loss treatment option, therefore more research is still necessary to evaluate the ideal therapeutic levels. (06)

Non-surgical Procedures

Scalp micro-pigmentation creates the look of thicker hair through the application of pigmentation that appears like hair follicles. The process includes stippling a tattoo in small dots to mimic hair follicles. Men who have thinning hair or shave their head short are the ideal candidates for scalp micro-pigmentation. However, micro-pigmentation does not grow new hair, nor is it recommended for people with large bald spots or who have major hair loss and wish to regrow hair. (07)

Least Intrusive Procedures

Once you see the signs of male pattern baldness or bald spots, it might warrant considering the least intrusive method for managing hair loss. Medicinal treatments like minoxidil and finasteride are two FDA approved medications for hair loss. When used together, minoxidil and finasteride can slow – or even stop – hair loss and regrow hair. Better yet, when minoxidil and finasteride are customized for each individual, common side-effects can be avoided. 

Dealing with Bald Spots or Male Pattern Baldness: What to Choose?

How you manage your hair loss depends entirely on what’s best for your situation. Bald spots and male pattern baldness can be a distressing event, and making a choice isn’t easy. Talk to people you know who have opted for hair loss treatments and get some perspective. Determine what’s financially feasible and speak to professionals to evaluate with options that will work with your health and lifestyle. At Happy Head, we’re ready to answer any questions you may have about our hair loss products. Let’s talk!


(01) https://www.webmd.com/connect-to-care/hair-loss/symptoms-of-high-dht

(02) https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/hair-loss/causes/18-causes

(03) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK547740/

(04) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK547740/

(05) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24017989/

(06) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4622412/

(07) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4382144/

Hair Loss Reversal 101: What You Need to Know

Older man looking at his thinning hair in the mirror. Happy Head dermatologists can help you get your hair back with a custom topical treatment made with the strongest hair growth medicine available online.

If you’re experiencing hair loss, you’re not alone. According to the American Hair Loss Association, at least two-thirds of all American men will have noticeable hair loss by the time they turn thirty-five. Women account for forty percent of all Americans experiencing hair loss. (01) Those numbers are much higher than you thought, right?

Sure, most people expect to get some gray hair, wrinkles, and a few extra pounds as they age, but hair loss? That’s not usually part of the plan. We can color our hair, use Botox for our wrinkles, and spend some extra time at the gym. But what can be done about a receding hairline? More than you think.

There are Different Types of Hair Loss

The first step is to understand the different types of hair loss. All hair loss is not the same, so not all hair loss will respond to the same treatment. We’re here to give you a crash course.

The Term Alopecia Encompasses More Conditions Than Most People Realize

When people think of alopecia, they usually think of alopecia areata, the type that Massachusetts Representative Ayanna Pressley and actress Jada Pinkett Smith have. However, if you use Dr. Google, you’ll see that WebMD defines alopecia areata as an “autoimmune disorder that causes your hair to come out, often in clumps the size and shape of a quarter.” The definition is accurate, but not all hair loss is alopecia areata. Alopecia is an umbrella term for many different hair loss conditions.

There’s a Difference Between Non-Scarring and Scarring Alopecia

Alopecia falls under two broad categories:  non-scarring and scarring alopecia. There’s a big difference between the two types.

When people have non-scarring hair loss, their hair just falls out. No redness, scaling, flaking, itching, or burning occurs. The alopecia can come on fast and furiously, leaving people holding clumps of hair in their hands, or gradually over a long period of time.

Scarring alopecia is a different story. Also known as cicatricial alopecia, scarring alopecia is an inflammatory condition that occurs in otherwise healthy people. The hair follicle is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue. The hair loss can happen over time and go unnoticed, or it can happen quickly, causing symptoms such as severe itching and burning. (02) Speed is essential when it comes to treating scarring alopecias. The goal is to slow or stop further hair loss and promote hair regrowth in unaffected areas.

What Type of Alopecia Do You Have?

Many different types of hair loss fall under the categories of non-scarring and scarring alopecia.  Once you know what type you have, your dermatologist will work with you to develop a treatment plan.

Examples of Non-scarring Alopecia

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen Effluvium is a form of temporary hair loss caused by stress, severe chronic illness, high fever, childbirth, thyroid disorders, major surgery, dieting, certain medications, etc.  Telogen Effluvium usually resolves itself over time.

Androgenic Alopecia

Also known as male and female pattern baldness, androgenic alopecia is a genetic condition experienced by up to 50 percent of men and women. (03) Experts believe that pattern baldness is due to an excessive androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT) response which causes hair follicles to miniaturize. When the hair follicles shrink, hair loss occurs. Androgenic alopecia typically causes frontal hair loss in men and diffuse hair loss at the crown and top of women’s heads.

Alopecia Areata

If your hair falls out in clumps around the size and shape of a quarter, you may have alopecia areata. This condition is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when your body attacks its own hair follicles. With alopecia areata, hair loss is unpredictable and can happen anywhere on your body. Sometimes the condition resolves itself. However, it can also reoccur without notice. Many research studies are currently underway to understand the cause and effective treatment. (04)

Traction Alopecia  

Constant pulling on hair due to tight ponytails, buns, braids, cornrows or dreadlocks, hair extensions, weaves, and more can cause traction alopecia. This condition, that’s common among actresses and models, can cause small bumps that resemble pimples. Fortunately, traction alopecia can be reversed if you stop pulling your hair back.

Examples of Scarring Alopecia

Lichen Planopilaris

Lichen Planopilaris is the most common type of scarring alopecia. Although it can affect both genders, lichen planopilaris is more likely to affect women aged 40 to 60 than men. (05)  Redness, itching, burning, and tenderness can accompany frontal or other pattern hair loss.

Central Centrifugal Cicatrical Alopecia (CCCA)

CCCA is found almost exclusively among black women aged 30 to 55 year-old. The cause is still unknown and is being researched. Women who experience CCCA experience inflammation and associated hair loss in the crown area. (06)

Effective Hair Loss Treatment Complements Your Diagnosis

After your dermatologist determines the cause of your hair loss, he or she will discuss treatment options with you.  Keep in mind that hair reversal treatments are not one-size-fits-all.  In some cases, “cocktails” which combine specific medications and protocols may be needed. Just to give you an idea of what’s out there, here are some of the most frequently used medications and treatments:

Minoxidil (Rogaine)

Minoxidil, also known as Rogaine, is available over-the-counter as a topical foam and liquid and by prescription as an oral pill.  Minoxidil is a vasodilator reduces miniaturization of the hair follicles and elongates the growth phase.

Minoxidil has proven to promote growth among men and women with male and female pattern hair loss. Minoxidil is also often recommended to patients with scarring alopecia to promote growth in unaffected areas.

Once you start using Minoxidil, you need to continue. When you stop using the medication, any new hair that grows will most likely be shed.

Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar)

Finasteride is a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor originally designed to treat enlarged prostates. The medication, available both as a pill and a topical solution, blocks the conversion of Testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that inhibits hair growth.

Clinical studies have found Finasteride to be highly effective in reversing hair loss in both men and women with scarring and non-scarring alopecias. (0708) Topical Finasteride is often used to treat androgenic alopecia, while oral is typically recommended for scarring alopecias.

Finasteride is only available by prescription and is not recommended for women of childbearing age. Check with a board-certified dermatologist to see if you are a good candidate for the topical or oral treatment. Don’t have time to make an appointment? Don’t worry, you can get custom topical treatments and oral medications prescribed by a Happy Head board-certified dermatologist, have a consultation and get it all shipped to your door each month. Just fill out our quick questionnaire, send us a few photos, and get started on growth here.


Topical or injected steroids are often used to treat hair loss that is induced by autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata and lichen planopilaris. The corticosteroids allow hair to grow by inhibiting the autoimmune disease.

Steroid treatments are only available by prescription and should be surprised by a qualified dermatologist.

Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

PRP injections have become a popular treatment for healing wounds and regrowing tissue such as tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

PRP has regenerative properties and has been primarily tested on patients with androgenetic alopecia. (09) When injected into the scalp, PRP is believed to stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles and increasing the size of the hair shaft.

As the name suggests, PRP injections are made from platelets derived from your blood. Blood is first drawn, and then spun at super high speeds to separate the blood components. The resulting plasma is highly concentrated.

PRP use is still in its early stages and can be expensive. Research also indicates that PRP is most effective when used with Minoxidil, Finasteride, and other hair growth treatments.


Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H, has become a familiar hair growth supplement. Sold in supplements or as an ingredient in hair care products, Biotin is promoted as a way to make your hair grow longer and healthier.

Does it work? Well, the jury is out. Not enough research has been conducted to say yeah or nay. (10) It won’t hurt you to try a new shampoo that contains Biotin, but there’s no evidence to indicate that it will help. Biotin deficiency is rare. (11) Most people get adequate amounts through their regular diets.

Many Biotin supplements sold are not FDA approved, and high concentrations of Biotin can interfere with the results of some lab tests. (12) As with any oral supplement, check with your doctor before testing it out.

Hair Transplants

Hair transplant procedures and techniques continue to improve over time. Rather than using noticeable plugs, today’s surgeries move hair strips or carefully selected hairs from one area to another to promote growth that looks natural.

When determining whether a patient is an ideal candidate for a hair transplant, dermatologists consider several factors, including:

  • Type of hair loss
  • Degree and pattern of baldness
  • Patient age
  • Hair color
  • Donor hair density
  • Patient expectations

Although hair transplants are expensive and time-consuming, they are an effective, reliable, and safe way to get lasting results.

It’s Important to Set Realistic Expectations When Treating Alopecia

We’re fortunate to live during a time when hair loss research is prolific, and the list of hair replacement options is growing.  Whether you’re 25 or 55, you don’t have to live with bald spots, a receding hairline, or thinning hair, even if your genetics or immune system are working against you.

The first step is to find a board-certified dermatologist and hair specialist you trust and get diagnosed. He or she will help you select the right treatment option for your type of alopecia and lifestyle.  Remember to set realistic expectations for your hair regrowth. Treatments don’t work overnight, so be patient and track your progress over time. After all, small signs of stubble today can lead to a fuller head of hair tomorrow. To get in touch with a Happy Head dermatologist and do your consultation over the phone, get started here and you can do it all from home.


(01) https://www.americanhairloss.org/

(02) https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/cicatricial-alopecia

(03) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430924/

(04) https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/hair-loss/types/alopecia

(05) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470325/

(06) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/fullarticle/2768748

(07) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4809380/

(08) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9951956/

(09) https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/platelet-rich-plasma-does-the-cure-for-hair-loss-lie-within-our-blood-2020051119748

(10) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5582478/

(11) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5582478/

(12) https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/in-vitro-diagnostics/biotin-interference-troponin-lab-tests-assays-subject-biotin-interference