If your hairline has already significantly receded or has severely thinned throughout, you might wonder is it too late to treat your hair loss? Are hair treatments still worth the trouble if you’ve already lost most of your hair? Before answering those million-dollar questions, let’s review some basic information about hair loss.
Your Hair’s Growth Cycle
At a glance, it may appear as though a full head of hair grows at the same rate. However, the truth about hair growth is more complex than it seems. Healthy strands of hair grow under a definite growth cycle consisting primarily of three phases; the anagen phase, the catagen phase, and the telogen phase (01). Let’s walk through each to help you find out if it’s too late to treat your hair loss.
1. Anagen Phase
The anagen phase is also known as the “growth phase.” About 90% of a full head of hair is in the anagen phase at any given time. This phase lasts the longest of any growth phase, lasting 3 to 5 years. Hair can sometimes remain in the growth phase for almost seven years. During the anagen phase, hair follicles push the hair out until the strand reaches the end of its lifespan.
2. Catagen Phase
Once the anagen phase ends, the catagen phase begins. Unlike the growth phase, the catagen phase, also known as the transition phase, only lasts about ten days. During this time, hair growth slows down, and the hair follicles shrink. The strands become disengaged from the base of the follicles but still remain in the same spot.
3. Telogen Phase
The telogen phase is also called the resting phase because it’s during this time that very little activity occurs for three to four months. At the end of this phase, hair naturally falls out. Sometimes, the natural process of shedding hair at the end of the telogen phase is called the “exogen phase.” The average person typically loses about 100 hairs daily. After the hair falls out, new hair growth appears, and the cycle starts over again.
As you can see, excessive hair loss is not a normal part of the body’s hair growth cycle. If a disruption occurs within any of these three phases, problematic hair loss can result. But is it too late to treat your hair loss? Depending your personal hair growth cycles and the type of hair loss patterns you’re experiencing, let’s find out why disruption occurs.
Why Are You Losing Your Hair?
Because your hair’s growth cycle plays such a significant role in the health of your hair, it’s essential to figure out at which point in the growth cycle is seeing a disruption. Many factors can lead to hair loss, but where in the growth cycle a change occurs can determine whether:
- You experience hair thinning
- Hair falls out gradually or suddenly
- Your hair can regrow on its own
For example, a severe illness or stress lasting a few months or more can lead to telogen effluvium. With telogen effluvium, the anagen phase is cut short. Therefore, a more significant portion of the hair enters the telogen phase simultaneously, causing sudden and diffuse hair loss. Hair may regrow on its own after the illness or stress has passed (02). However, in some cases, hair restoration may be necessary.
In much the same way, disrupted hair growth can also lead to hair loss. For example, an unhealthy diet or reduced blood circulation can deprive hair follicles of oxygen and nutrients. Without enough sustenance, hair growth becomes disrupted, and the anagen phase shortens. Hair may grow slowly or may never reach a desired length.
Hereditary hair loss, also known as androgenic alopecia, occurs in both men and women. In men, the more common term for this type of hair loss is male pattern hair loss or male pattern baldness. In women, it’s called female pattern hair loss (03).
With hereditary hair loss, the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) injures hair follicles, shortening as strand’s anagen phase (04). In addition, the damaged follicle also takes longer to regrow hair after the telogen phase. The hair follicle becomes smaller and smaller, resulting in follicular miniaturization. These smaller follicles produce shorter and weaker hair called vellus. Sometimes, these hair follicles may not grow hair at all without assistance.
What Does Hair Loss Look Like?
Each person experiences hair loss differently. For some people, baldness develops at the top of the head. In others, baldness starts at the temples. In many others, however, hair loss is spread throughout the head, causing thinning but no bald spots. Hair loss typically occurs in the following three patterns; focal, diffuse, or patterned.
- People who experience focal hair loss typically have an autoimmune disorder, like alopecia areata. This type of hair loss occurs in patchy areas on the scalp or body.
- Patterned hair loss often develops in people with androgenic alopecia. People with patterned hair loss have progressive balding or thinning at the top of the scalp or the hairline.
- Individuals with diffuse hair loss lose hair evenly throughout their heads. Their hair becomes thin and falls out easily. Diffuse hair loss is typically seen in cases of telogen effluvium.
It’s normal to avoid acknowledging your hair loss at first. After all, hair loss can be a traumatic and life-changing experience. So, if you’ve spent months or years watching your hairline recede or your hair thin out without any intervention, you’re not alone. Once you’ve accepted your hair loss, however, is it too late to take action?
Is There Hope for Your Hair?
For a small slice of the population, they can accept their hair loss without stress or a loss of confidence. For most people, however, hair loss is distressing. Watching strand after strand go down the drain or a bald spot grow bigger can hurt a person’s spirit and affect their mental health. Moreover, a person can feel hopeless after losing hair for some time.
Fortunately, there’s good news. To answer the question, “Is it ever too late to treat your hair loss?” The answer is…it is never too late!
It’s always possible to slow hair loss or even regrow your hair. While there’s no magic bullet to stop hair loss, there are methods that can reduce your hair loss. With the proper treatment, you can start seeing results in a few months to a year. Topical and oral medications like minoxidil and finasteride help improve hair follicles and promote hair growth.
To determine the cause of your hair loss, however, it’s best to work with a trained hair loss professional. This person can provide you with a thorough assessment and recommend how to treat your hair loss. Furthermore, working with a trained professional ensures that your treatment will not only be effective but it will also be safe.

It’s Never too Late to Regrow Your Hair
If you’re searching for a hair loss treatment that fits your needs, Happy Head is for you. We customize your treatment based on your sex, age, and medical history. Happy Head’s proprietary formula is compounded monthly and not available anywhere else.
Hair loss treatments are not one-size-fits-all, and we recognize that our products may not be the best fit for everyone. Our products also come with a money-back guarantee. So, with Happy Head, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Take the questionnaire today and set up a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist. It only takes a minute and we’ll formulate a custom-made topical treatment that’s easy to apply daily. We also have lots of options if you prefer an oral solution like our 3-in-1 SuperCapsule™ to help you regrow your hair and feel great about how you look. And you can get 50% off your first order when you use code GOHAIR at checkout. It’s never too late to regrow your hair with Happy Head.