Tag Archive for: Zinc

Ask Me Anything With Dr. Ben Behnam: Healthy Lifestyle for Healthy Hair Growth

Our bodies are sophisticated machines that can tell us a lot about what activities or foods benefit us most. Whether or not we feel stressed or sluggish and not quite in balance can influence how our body responds to normal metabolic functions. And living a healthy lifestyle for healthy hair growth is the perfect place to start. 


4 Lifestyle Habits to Boost Healthy Hair Growth

  1. Sleep. There are many studies about the impact of getting the standard 8 hours of sleep each day. Sleep helps our body with protein synthesis; so if we don’t get enough sleep, then we’re not able to create those proteins we need to build new hair growth. 
  2. Sunshine. Everyone needs this, and most of us are deficient in Vitamin D. This vitamin is essential to promoting new hair growth. Why? Keratin, which is a hair protein, is created when the cells that make it have enough Vitamin D to use as energy. Our hair growth and shedding cycle is regulated by Vitamin D. For those new to Happy Head, we’ve formulated our new SuperCapsule™ with Vitamin D3 to get you the support for hair growth. 
  3. Exercise. This is huge. It’s recommended that everyone get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. That doesn’t mean you need to do box jumps all day, but even a brisk walk, swimming, or playing with your kids can help. Exercise keeps our blood flowing, improves our mood, and reduces stress significantly. To help with this, an exercise watch that tracks your steps or activity level just to get you in the habit of working out or being moderately active is great. 
  4. Support. This is a bonus, but having a support system in your life can help with everything from your mental to physical well-being. Having support makes things like dealing with hair thinning and loss easier. Our bodies respond to positive reinforcement, and we’ve seen that in studies linked to mindset as we start anything new in our lives. 

The ingredients in your hair growth solutions are important for stimulating dormant hair follicles, but those in your diet are just as important. Before you write your next grocery list, make sure 

5 Hair-Healthy Ingredients to Incorporate Into Your Diet

  1. Iron. You can get this from leafy greens, dried fruit, whole grains, and lean meats. If you don’t have enough iron in your diet, you’ll likely see more shedding in your hair. Iron is what helps generate red blood cells that help to carry oxygen throughout your body. Oxygen helps keep our cells healthy so that we can create new cells like those in our hair strands. People who are deficient or anemic often also have hair loss. We see this more in women because of periods and pregnancy. Not having enough iron leads to shorter growth phases and even shorter hair lengths over time. 
  2. Protein. We discussed this earlier, but whether you’re vegan or not, there are plenty of options to help you get the correct amount of proteins needed to improve hair growth. Healthy proteins not only support growth but also help to maintain stronger hair that’s resistant to breakage. Some options are lean meats, legumes, eggs, soy products, tofu, cottage cheese, nuts, berries, and shrimp (any lean fish).
  3. Zinc. This is a nutrient that helps your body take up and absorb the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients we’re talking about here. The body needs zinc to signal when it should absorb other nutrients and when it’s not present you’ll likely not get the most out of the healthy foods you’re eating. Where do you get it?  Pumpkin seeds (great on salads), red meats, wheat germ, seafood (oysters), nuts, eggs, to name a few. 
  4. Vitamin C. This vitamin is essential for building not only stronger hair follicles but it helps to rebuild collage and supporting a strong immune system. If you’re thinking about Vitamin C packets as the solve here, that shouldn’t be the only form of Vitamin C you’re getting. The reason being because they could be packed with sugar and other nonessential ingredients, but your body may not get all of what’s in these. There are so many other ways to get Vitamin C and natural is always better. Think oranges, lemons, bell peppers, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, white potatoes, strawberries. If you’re cooking any of these veggies, remember not to overcook them and kill the nutrients. Some of these it’s best to eat raw to get all you can out of them. 
  5. Omega 3s. These are fatty acids which help with thicker hair growth over time. I love fatty acids like fish oil to reduce inflammation you may see in irritated scalps. When we see inflammation, it’s the body responding to a threat. So calming inflammation can free up your body’s resources to focus on what needs repair. Omega 3s are amazing for brain and heart function as a bonus. 

These are just a few things you can incorporate into your everyday routine for a healthier lifestyle to support healthier hair growth. There are, of course, many other things you can do to accomplish that including adding a custom topical hair growth solution to your routine that can help. Once you get paired with a Happy Head dermatologist, we’ll help you find the perfect solution with a personalized treatment plan to get you started. Take our 

The Best Superfoods for Healthy Hair

Hair loss can often leave a person feeling helpless about their appearance. Fortunately, there are lifestyle changes a person can make to encourage healthy hair growth.  For example, replacing processed foods with nutrient-dense superfoods may help manage hair loss. 

Nutrients for Hair Growth

Like the rest of the body, the scalp depends on vitamins and minerals from the food you eat to grow healthy hair. Hair grows out through hair follicles, and these follicles need nutrients to work well. The following are a few of the most vital nutrients necessary for hair growth. 

Vitamin A

Healthy follicles are important for robust hair growth. Vitamin A ensures well-functioning follicles by promoting better blood circulation and mitigating follicle damage from free radicals. Additionally, vitamin A improves overall scalp condition, eliminating dry and scaly skin. 

B Vitamins

Deficiencies in B vitamins have been linked to hair loss. B vitamins support the growth of skin, hair, and nails in two ways: 

  • Enhancing the body’s ability to remove nutrients from foods. 
  • Boost red blood cell formation. 

A variety of nutrients fall under the umbrella of a B vitamin: (01)

  • B1 (also known as Thiamine)
  • B2 (also known as Riboflavin)
  • B3 (also known as Niacin)
  • B5 (also known as Pantothenic acid)
  • B6
  • B7 (also known as Biotin)
  • B9 (also known as Folate)
  • B12

Hair-friendly B vitamins help with red blood cell formation, which are vital for carrying oxygen and nutrients throughout the body— including the scalp. 

Vitamin C

A healthy head of hair is nearly impossible without Vitamin C. It’s a powerful antioxidant that impacts hair growth by: (02)

  • Playing a significant role in developing collagen, which is necessary for hair building and structure. 
  • Encouraging the absorption of iron, which prevents hair loss and oxidative stress. 

Like the rest of the body, the scalp and hair is susceptible to damage from free radicals. Vitamin C helps to reduce the injury from free radicals and maintains scalp health. Furthermore, collagen is a key compound that produces keratin, which gives skin and hair cells their structure. Vitamin C amps up collagen production and helps to strengthen and grow healthy hair. 

Vitamin D

Due to our modern lifestyle and diet, most people do not get enough vitamin D. Which is unfortunate, because vitamin D deficiency is linked to hair loss and slow hair growth. Participants in a study of women experiencing hair loss had lower levels of vitamin D. In another study of individuals with alopecia areata (an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss) found that vitamin D levels were also lower in individuals with the disease. (03, 04)


While many people don’t get enough vitamin D, the most common nutrient deficiency in the world is iron deficiency. Iron plays a significant role in a variety of body systems, but perhaps it’s most well-known for carrying oxygen throughout the body via red blood cells. Without iron, hair follicles can’t get the oxygen they need to grow hair. Therefore, iron deficiency results in anemia and hair loss. (02)


Bones, muscles, the immune system, and even reproductive organs all require zinc to function appropriately. Zinc is also essential for healthy hair and skin. This mineral plays a significant role in manufacturing collagen, essential for growing hair. (02)

In addition, zinc affects the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is responsible for the loss of hair in situations like male pattern.  Zinc regulates the activity of the enzyme that keeps DHT in check, 5-alpha reductase.

Seven Superfoods for Hair Loss

The good news is that you can easily obtain these vital hair nutrients by incorporating the following superfoods in your diet. You’ll find some predictable foods on this list, as well as some you may not have expected to be hair-growing superfoods! 

1 Nuts and Seeds

In general, nuts and seeds are high-protein and nutrient-dense superfoods. When it comes to hair, however, they’re chock full of the nutrients necessary for long, shiny hair. Nuts and seeds are high in B vitamins, iron, zinc, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Just keep your intake to a handful a day, because nuts and seeds are also high in calories. 

2 Healthy Cuts of Meat

Meat gets a bad rap. Although it’s true that fatty or heavily processed meats adversely affect a person’s health, this is not the case for all types of meat. Moderate amounts of healthy cuts of meat are rich in nutrients and can help maintain a healthy head of hair. Red meat is full of an easily absorbable type of iron that works especially well in the blood’s oxygen delivery system, which helps bring oxygen to hair follicles. 

3 Oysters

Oysters are more than purported aphrodisiacs, they’re also great for growing hair. These delectable mollusks are low-calorie and high in nutrients, with the minerals it takes to make hair healthy. A 3.5-ounce of oysters provides the following percentage of a person’s daily required nutrients: (05)

  • Selenium: 56% 
  • Iron: 40% 
  • Vitamin B12: 538%
  • Zinc: 555%

These whopping percentages indicate how high oysters are in many of the nutrients needed to grow hair. 

4 Spinach 

In addition to muscles, perhaps spinach should have blessed Popeye with a full head of hair. Spinach is filled with nutrients that benefit both muscles and hair. Loaded with plant-based iron, vitamin C, and vitamin A, spinach can help keep hair follicles and strands healthy. 

5 Eggs 

One superfood that contains what you need for healthy hair are eggs. Hair is mostly protein (collagen and keratin) and eggs are a rich non-red meat source of protein. High in vitamin A, vitamin E, and B vitamins like folate and biotin, eggs help keep strands strong and healthy. Eggs also do wonders for the scalp by infusing the area with nutrients, allowing healthier  follicles to hang on to hair. 

6 Oats 

You’re probably aware that oats are high in fiber, which is beneficial for the digestive system. But did you know oats improve the health of your hair? Oats contain fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids that reduce excess scalp oils and soothe inflammation, helping prevent hair loss in stress-related cases like telogen effluvium. Furthermore, oat is high in zinc, which keeps strands sturdy and less prone to breakage. (06)

7 Peas

Just like oats, green peas are a surprising superfood that’s good for your hair. Because green peas are full of iron and zinc, they strengthen hair and stimulate growth. Additionally, peas are also high in protein, which helps prevent or slow down hair loss. Interestingly enough, research regarding pea sprouts has shown promising results in slowing hair loss. (07)

You’re More than What You Eat

The saying goes that you are what you eat. While this may be true, you’re also more than what you consume. The environment, your genes, and your lifestyle all play some role in your health. And although a healthy well-balanced diet goes a long way to keeping a healthy head of hair, sometimes it takes more than superfoods to grow your locks back. For those cases, Happy Head is here to help. Our board-certified dermatologists will review your case and make recommendations that are unique to your needs. Customizable and delivered straight to your door, Happy Head’s prescription medications is the hair treatment you’ve been searching for. 



(01) https://medlineplus.gov/bvitamins.html

(02) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6380979/

(03) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23428658

(04) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260993460_Vitamin_D_Deficiency_in_Alopecia_Areata

(05) https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/175171/nutrients

(06) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25607907/

(07) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31680356/

Choosing the Best Shampoo for Thinning Hair

If you have thinning hair, you probably shampoo your hair as gently as you can to keep as much hair on your head as possible. But are you using the right shampoo for your hair? There are a broad range of shampoo and conditioner options to help prevent further hair loss. However, the ingredients and results may differ for each. Understanding product contents and how they work can help you figure out which hair loss shampoos are best for you. 

How do shampoos for thinning hair prevent hair loss? 

Hair loss shampoos are also known as “hair thickening” shampoos. These products aren’t an overnight solution to thinning hair, but they can make a difference in two ways: 

  • Fortifying, thickening, and strengthening individual hair strands to give the illusion of thicker hair. Many hair loss shampoos work with the hair that you do have by making each strand fuller and thicker. Some ingredients in these hair thickening shampoos penetrate into the hair shaft and fill in any spaces, causing the strand to swell and bulk up. These thicker strands then create the appearance of more hair. 
  • Encouraging the growth of new hair. Over-the-counter shampoos for thinning hair aren’t typically medicated, but they do contain ingredients that promote hair growth. For example, some may include vitamins and minerals that are known to make scalp healthier and boost hair growth. 

Shampoos for thinning hair contain ingredients that are categorized as thickeners, but they may also contain ingredients called opacifiers. (01)  These ingredients are added to improve the appearance of the existing hair, like pearlescent flakes to make hair appear thicker and healthier. Before taking a deep dive into the ingredients of hair loss shampoos, it’s important to remember that most of the results from thickening shampoos are temporary. That said, they’re still an excellent choice for someone concerned about hair loss. 

Most Common Ingredients In Hair Loss Shampoos

What sets hair loss shampoos apart from average run-of-the-mill shampoos are their ingredients. (01) Average shampoos often contain elements that are too harsh for thinning hair, raising the potential of further hair loss. Hair loss shampoos are much more forgiving, cleaning the hair without disrupting the hair’s full life cycle. 

The following are the most common ingredients found in hair loss shampoos. 


Look at any hair strengthening shampoo on the market, and you’ll likely find biotin on the ingredient list. Why? Because biotin deficiencies result in weak and brittle hair and nails. (02) Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is a water-soluble vitamin that’s crucial for keratin production. Keratin and collagen are the primary structural components of each strand of hair, essential for hair growth. Many foods contain biotin, and this nutrient works best when consumed. Biotin is also available through supplements as a nutraceutical. However, hair loss shampoos and conditioners also contain biotin to help strengthen hair from the outside. 

Essential Amino Acids

Shampoos for thinning hair often include essential amino acids on their ingredient list. Like biotin, amino acids are vital for the production of keratin and collagen. Keratin and collagen require the following amino acids: (03)

  • Lysine
  • Arginine
  • Methionine
  • Cysteine
  • Proline
  • Glycine

To generate enough keratin and collagen needed for sufficient hair growth, the body needs a steady supply of amino acids. In particular, lysine and methionine are the most essential amino acids for hair. Hair thickening shampoos that contain these amino acids can help combat hair loss and encourage growth. 

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto, also known as serenoa serrulata, serenoa repens, or sabal serrulata) comes from palmetto berries (also called serenoa repens, serenoa serrulata or sabal serrulata). Studies show this berry extract acts as an anti-inflammatory for the scalp and skin. Furthermore, saw palmetto extract decreases sebum production and increases hair density in cases of androgenetic alopecia and polycystic ovary syndrome. (04, 05)


Niacin (Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid)  is a common ingredient in hair growth shampoos because it increases blood circulation, especially through the scalp. Improved blood flow feeds nutrients to hair follicles and encourages hair growth. Niacin also repairs DNA and boosts keratin production, helping to keep hair strong. (03)


Caffeine not only boosts the energy in your body, but it can protect hair follicles from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is converted from testosterone and – when linked to receptors in hair follicles – results in hair loss. By preventing DHT from negatively impacting hair follicles, caffeine encourages hair growth and retention in both female pattern hair loss and male pattern hair loss. Additionally, caffeine may stimulate already weakened hair follicles, potentially repairing damaged roots. (06)


Known for its immune boosting properties, zinc is also a hair-strengthening mineral. Zinc balances sebum production and boosts scalp health. Many dandruff shampoos contain zinc because of its dandruff-busting capabilities. Shampoos for thinning hair, however, also include zinc for its ability to strengthen hair and keep hair follicles free from obstructions like oil and dandruff. (03)

Green Tea

Green tea is a popular drink, but it’s also a common ingredient in hair growth shampoos. Green tea inhibits the production of a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase is responsible for the conversion of into DHT.  5-alpha-reductase inhibitors prevent the production of DHT, reducing hair loss. An additional benefit of green tea is its high antioxidant consent. Antioxidants combat environmental cell damage from free radicals, keeping your scalp and hair healthy. Green tea may also improve scalp health, balance sebum production, and treats dandruff. (07)

What to keep in mind when choosing shampoos for thinning hair? 

Choosing the right hair loss shampoo can be overwhelming, but following three simple rules can help you choose the one for you. 

Stick With Companies that Specialize in Hair Loss

When finding shampoos for thinning hair, stick to hair products from businesses that specialize specifically in hair loss. While cosmetic companies may know all about healthy hair, they may be unfamiliar with hair loss or balding. Whenever possible, take the time to find products sold or endorsed by reputable hair-loss companies. Although you may have to wait for shipping or make a special trip to another store, using shampoos from reputable companies that specialize in hair loss can make all the difference in how your thinning hair progresses. These companies understand hair loss and all its nuances, therefore their products are more likely to suit your needs. 

Pay Attention to the Ingredient List

Just like the way you check ingredient lists on food, you should check the ingredient lists on products you place on your body. When looking at the ingredient list, keep an eye out for items listed above. Furthermore, if you’re thinking about buying more than one product, keep using the same company product line. For example, a manufacturer of a hair loss shampoo may also have hair loss conditioner and hair loss hair spray from the same product line. 

Choose For Your Hair Type

Thickening shampoos may target various hair types. For example, one shampoo may be ideal for fine hair while another may be best for dry hair. Because these shampoos are formulated to work with a specific type of hair, you may need to find the one that matches with your hair type. The results can vary wildly depending on the different formulations, so finding the right shampoo for your hair type is essential. 

Don’t Wash Your Hair Away

Keeping your hair healthy means keeping it clean, but you don’t need to wash your hair away in the process. Finding an excellent quality shampoo for thinning hair may take some research, but it’s worth it to keep as much hair on your head as you can. Matching the right shampoo to your hair’s needs can help you resolve trouble spots and help reduce further hair loss. 

If you’re thinking you may need more than shampoo for thinning hair, contact our specialists at Happy Head. Our physicians tailor each hair treatment for every client, ensuring safe treatment aimed at your unique situation. Happy Head is so confident you’ll be satisfied with our services, we offer a six-month money-back guarantee. Contact us today for your personalized hair loss treatment! 



(01) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4458934/

(02) https://www.webmd.com/connect-to-care/hair-loss/does-biotin-really-prevent-hair-loss

(03) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6380979/

(04) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2840915/

(05) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2840915/#CIT2

(06) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32599587/

(07) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6930595/

Diet and Hair Loss: Is There a Relationship?


When you’re losing your hair, you’ll try just about anything to make it stop.  Shampoos, conditioners, essential oils, vitamins… they’re all fair game.  The easier and less invasive, the better.  So, it’s only natural that diet is a hot topic.  Diet is a manageable lifestyle change that could make a difference.  

But, if you’re like most people, you probably have more questions than answers when it comes to how diet and nutrition affect your hair.  According to a 2017 study conducted by the International Food Information Council (IFIC), there’s a lot of conflicting information, causing confusion about what to eat.  Determining whether specific foods will help or hurt your hair loss condition is even more challenging.  We hear it all the time from patients.  “Can alopecia be reversed by changing my diet?”  “Which diet will best reduce the inflammation on my scalp?”  “Do I have to go gluten, dairy, and sugar-free?”  

Before you resort to radical measures, keep reading.  We’ll help you separate truth from fiction and share firsthand information from our own Dr. Ben Behnam, board-certified dermatologist and co-owner of Happy Head hair loss solutions.  

Can Improving Your Diet Prevent Further Hair Loss and Stimulate Growth?

Does what you eat affect your hair?  That’s the question that most people want to be answered.  After all, why bother changing your diet if it won’t make a difference?  The answer is yes; nutrition may indeed affect your hair.  One study found that nutritional deficiencies can cause telogen effluvium, androgenetic alopecia, or alopecia areata. It also found that over-supplementation can lead to hair loss as well.  

The Wrong Diet Really Can Cause Scalp Inflammation

Nutritional deficiencies aren’t the only problem.  Scalp inflammation caused by an unhealthy diet is another issue.  A high fat, high-cholesterol diet has been found to stimulate the inflammatory process on the scalp.  A study conducted in 2018 found that mice who were fed a traditional western diet experienced skin discoloration, inflammation, and hair loss.  The mice’s hair turned black, gray, then white before falling out.  The diet, which induced inflammation, mimicked the aging process in humans and aged the mice’s hair by 36 weeks.  The hypothesis is that when what you eat generates an inflammatory response, it causes your hair to age prematurely.  

Which Diet Should You Choose to Prevent Hair Loss?

Now that we’ve established that the wrong diet is a recipe for disaster when it comes to your hair, which diet should you consider?  Keto, Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), Mediterranean… the list of possibilities seems endless.   The truth is that further research is needed on the use of diet in alopecia treatment.  One study indicates that the Mediterranean diet, which contains foods with anti-inflammatory properties, may stimulate hair growth and health among people with androgenetic alopecia.  Figuring out the differences between each diet gets tricky, though. In many cases, overlap exists in the philosophies behind the diets.  

A Protein-rich Diet Helps Build Keratin

Regardless of which diet you choose, it’s important to select a protein-rich diet filled with fresh, unprocessed foods.  Hair is primarily composed of keratin, a mixture of filament-forming proteins.  To make keratin, your body needs protein.  All protein is not created equal, though, according to Dr. Behnam.  “Select pasture-raised chickens, raised on a farm and not in a cage,” says Behnam.  “When chickens are trapped in a cage, their testosterone levels increase from the stress of being in the cage.  When you eat caged chicken, you get extra testosterone that can potentially convert to DHT leading to more hair loss.”

Vegetarians Often Lack Enough Protein in Their Diets

Dr. Behnam finds that his patients who are vegetarians tend to lack the protein and vitamins necessary for adequate hair growth.  We’ll talk a little more about vitamins later, so let’s focus on protein for now.  Some excellent sources of plant protein can compensate for animal protein.  Those sources include nuts and nut butter, lentils, beans, peas, leafy green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and brussel sprouts.  

Dr. Behnam is a big advocate of protein powder, not only for vegetarians, but for all of his patients.  It’s important to use the right type, though.  According to Behnam, “Two types of protein powder are on the market.  One is whey protein isolate. Whey protein isolate powder is easily found in retail stores in muscle milk, and other types of sports shakes.  It’s less expensive.  The only problem is that whey protein isolate increases the concentration of amino acids such as valine and isoleucine, which lead to higher testosterone production.  That extra testosterone has the potential to convert to DHT and cause hair loss.  The solution is to use whey protein concentrate.  Whey protein concentrate is harder to find, but it will boost your protein without increasing your testosterone or DHT levels.”  

Do You Have to Give Up Caffeine?

If you can’t seem to get moving in the morning without a cup of coffee, don’t despair.  “Caffeine doesn’t affect testosterone levels,” says Dr. Behnam.  “You can enjoy it without worrying.  I recommend that you stay away from energy drinks, soy milk, and anything high in MSG, though.”  

Nutritional Supplements

Vitamins and supplements aren’t a big deal to most people.  You don’t need a prescription to get them, so they’re safe, right?  Not so fast.  Vitamins and supplements aren’t always as innocuous as they seem.  There are a couple of things you need to know:

  1. The FDA does not regulate dietary supplements
  2. Over-supplementation of selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and other vitamins have been associated with hair loss

That said, Dr. Behnam usually tests his patients’ Vitamin D and iron levels because deficiencies are prevalent and are well-documented reasons for hair loss.  Vitamin D plays a crucial role in the hair growth cycle.   While the exact reason why iron deficiency causes hair loss is unknown, reversal of iron deficiency in mice led to a reversal of hair  loss.  

Here’s the inside scoop on other essential vitamins:


There has been a lot of hype about biotin supplements, shampoos, conditioners, and more.  Truth be told, biotin deficiency is rare.  Clinical trials have not shown biotin to be effective in stimulating hair growth without a true deficiency.  


Zinc deficiency can be either acquired or inherited.  It is common among vegetarians since vegetables contain less zinc than meat.   Zinc deficiency causes telogen effluvium and brittle hair.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is the main ingredient in retinoids and retinoic acid.  It has been proven to work in conjunction with Minoxidil and Finasteride to increase absorption of the medications.  Vitamin A deficiency does not cause hair loss, although a connection between over-supplementation and hair loss has been found.  

Vitamin E

It’s not common for people to have vitamin E deficiencies.  More research needs to be conducted, but in one small study with 21 participants, people who received vitamin E supplements had an increase in hair count compared to people in the placebo group.  Too much vitamin E is too much of a good thing.  It can increase the risk of bleeding and decrease thyroid hormone production, resulting in hair loss.   

Balancing Your Diet Is A Process

Learning how to eat for healthy hair takes time.  Sometimes you don’t know if changing your eating habits or adding a particular vitamin will help until you try it.  If you’ve already been diagnosed with male or female pattern hair loss or some other type of alopecia, supplementing your diet with topical medications such as Minoxidil, Finasteride, Spironolactone, or Duasteride may be a good option for you.  Topical medications have been found to be as effective as oral medications without the bothersome side effects.  Even better, like your diet, our formulas can be customized to meet your specific needs.  For more information, contact us to determine whether you are a good candidate for Happy Head or one of our other prescription-grade hair loss solutions. 


(01) https://foodinsight.org/survey-nutrition-information-abounds-but-many-doubt-food-choices/

(02) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5315033/

(03) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6065400/

(04) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7109385/

(05) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5315033/

(06) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5315033/

(07) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5315033/

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(09) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5315033/

(10) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5315033/

(11) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5315033/